Learn how to untangle the nod and scan through the complexity of sign, house, and multiple aspects combinations, and come up with a meaningful interpretation.

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In DECIPHERING ASPECTS IN THE NATAL CHART, you will learn the ins and outs of astrological aspects: how to untangle the nod and scan through the complexity of sign, house, and multiple aspects combinations, and come up with a meaningful interpretation.

Astrology lovers at all levels struggle, at least to a certain extent, with aspects - and for good reasons. Aspects are the most complex astrological concept, because aspects weave the whole chart - planets, signs and houses - together.

There are endless combinations of aspects in signs and houses. Memorizing, or learning more about each single aspect is not an option.

What we want to do instead is to learn an Aspect Interpretation Formula you can apply to any aspect in your chart or in other people's charts.

In this program, we will reverse engineer the astrological aspects. We will start with the core concepts, adding additional interpretation layers as we go.

When we approach aspects in a systematic way -, using graphs, formulas, and frameworks, - learning happens in a natural, structured, and effective way.

In this course, we will take an inside out approach, which means we will start with the aspects themselves, and then, during each module, we’ll add an additional layer: planets, signs, and houses, and multiple aspects and aspect patterns.

Concepts will gradually “click”, and by the end of the course, the natal chart will come to life.

The program is structured into 4 modules that are increasingly complex.

MODULE 1 "The Aspects"

We first want to gain a deep understanding of the theory behind each aspect, from conjunction to quincunx. That’s why in the 1st Module of the course we will deep dive into each astrological aspect - and study it from the lens of astrology, numerology, and geometry.

In this first module, we will also highlight the difference between aspects that are most commonly mixed up, for example the sextile and the trine, or the square and the opposition. Here we will introduce the minor aspects like the semi-square or the quintile.

The goal of Module 1 is to gain crystal clear clarity about what each aspect means, and how aspects are different from each other.

MODULE 2 "Aspects And Planets"

In Module 2 we will introduce the next level of complexity - the planets. Aspects are not standalone astrology archetypes - we only have aspects in the context of planets and the natal chart.

In Module 2, we will deep-dive into different planetary aspects, to see how aspects change their expression, depending on different planetary combinations.

Here we will also share the “Aspect Reading Formula” - a framework to connect the archetypal meaning of Planet A, Planet B, and the aspect they form together. The goal of this module is to understand how the planets influence the expression of aspects.

MODULE 3 "Aspects, Signs And Houses"

Then in Module 3, we will add yet another layer - the sign and house placement. The same Venus-Saturn opposition can express itself differently, depending on the signs Venus and Saturn are in. Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius will have a different quality than Venus in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn.

Here we will also cover out of sign aspects, as well as tips on how to read the sign placements more effectively.

Planets’ house placements will describe which particular areas of our life are influenced by a particular aspect. If the same Venus-Saturn opposition is on the 2nd-8th house axis, it will impact a completely different sector of our life, compared to a Venus-Saturn opposition in the 3rd-9th house axis.

MODULE 4 "Multiple Aspects And Aspect Patterns"

Finally, in the 4th Module of the course, we will learn how to read multiple aspects. Venus may not only make an opposition to Saturn, but also a trine to Mars. This 2nd Mars aspect will change the expression of the Venus-Saturn opposition.

In Module 4 we will also cover the aspect patterns like the T-square, the Kite or the Yod; aspect patterns are interpretation “shortcuts” for multiple aspects that connect the different areas of the chart.

In this module, you will also learn how to create a hierarchy of the most important aspects in the chart, and also how to spot the most relevant aspects you or the person you’re reading for, needs help with.

Finally, you will learn astrologer’s tips on how to read aspects in the context of the natal chart most effectively.

"This was the first time that I could truly see the different aspects and their “energies”. I loved the total setup, I loved the kindness, the expertise, the generosity and patience you 3 have! I can say with all my heart that I am super grateful for doing this course! Best time and money ever spent! I don’t think there is anything or anyone out there that can bring what you bring the way you do! Please continue with that and I’ll be a lifelong student of yours 🦋 Every aspect of the course was spot on! The build up, the content, the q&a, the timing, the live exercises, the videos/pdf/transcripts/tasks… Everything was true mastery!"


"Right from the beginning of the course, the tone and the foundation of the course was set. Thinking about the aspects first, changed my thought process when looking at astrology and aspect reading. This is an exceptional course."


"I haven't seen or heard an astrologer present any comprehensive program on aspects as this one. Astrologers have recommended books or talked about them during a webinar. This should be required of anyone wanting to learn astrology."


"My goal was to gain a deeper understanding of aspects, become an independent thinker (not relying on 'textbook' definitions) and become fluent at their interpretation. The course was perfect. I loved the way aspects were stripped right back to their fundamental nature, and interpretation was built on this foundation. This has been the best course I have ever undertaken (and not just in astrology) - the theory was well written and presented, and the Q&A sessions and workshops brought everything alive! My learning has been exponential, and I will certainly undertake more of your courses."


"It answered my ongoing questioning of the hierarchy of the many components of a chart. It has significantly tightened up my interpretation speed because I'm more confident that I'm focusing on the right stuff. I think the workshops, in particular, were exceptionally well designed. I have had a long career in adult education and zoom workshops. The workshops for this course, particularly Module 1's, were better than anything I've experienced. You deserve an award for this program."


"The training videos are amazing.You have a way of explaining the various aspects which makes it easy to understand. I feel confident now that I can actually read a chart although of course I would still need to refer to cheat sheets etc and ponder it's true meaning."


"I love the structure (layer by layer) and the simplicity of the teachings because it keeps me focused (I tend to go everywhere and I feel my chart is very complex). I love the fact that I can study on my own, I can ask questions and they are lovely responded, the live Q&A’s and the workshops. The formula is great!"


"The course has helped me tremendously with my confidence around wanting to be an Astrologer."


"This was my second Astro Butterfly course and I can't wait to take more. I've been studying astrology for many years and have taken many online courses, but this one was by far the best."


"I wish I can be a lifelong student with you guys and I am super grateful I gave myself the gift of this aspect course 💜😇🦋"

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