Chiron - Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift

Learn about the unique role Chiron plays in your natal chart and turn your wound into a gift

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Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift is an online program to help you 1). identify your deepest wound 2). discover the best healing approaches based on your natal chart, and 3). transform your wound into your greatest gift.

We all experience feelings of guilt, shame, regret, anger, fear, and inadequacy.

But somewhere, in an even deeper place, beyond your wound, there is a spark of divine light waiting to be unleashed. Just like Chiron was born half-animal, half-God, there is a part of you that is human and fragile and a part of you that is divine and immortal.

Chiron's symbol is the KEY for a reason.

Every single one of us is born for a reason. The key to finding this reason, this unique gift or talent, lays in our deepest, most primal wound.

Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift is an online course that will provide you with a clear framework to heal your deepest wound and turn it into your greatest gift.

Chiron's symbol is the KEY for a reason. Chiron can unlock your chart and the doors to your psyche. There is no other astrology archetype that is better suited for profound, holistic healing.

Discover the 3 Chiron Archetypes:

1. The Wounded Healer

  • Learn about the role Chiron plays in your natal chart - your Chiron house, your Chiron sign, and Chiron aspects to other planets - and what Chiron reveals about your pain profile
  • Get clarity on what your wound is and on the early strategies you developed to 'cope' with this wound
  • Discover what is keeping you attached to your wound, and why you cannot become a healer while you are still wounded

2. The Shaman

  • Discover what a 'healing crisis' is and how the Chiron transits and the Chiron 50-year cycle activate it
  • Understand why Chiron is the 'link' between your past and your future, and what role Chiron plays in ancestry and genetics
  • The best approach to healing, according to the position of Chiron in your natal chart

3. The Alchemist

  • Learn why Chiron is the Alchemist of the zodiac
  • Discover special signatures in your chart that can help you activate your inner Alchemist
  • How to work with Chiron in Aries to turn your wound into a gift

  • A 3-step Process to turn your wound into a gift. You will explore the process of wounding, healing and transformation through the 3 Chiron archetypes: "The Wounded Healer" (Module 1), "The Shaman" (Module 2), and "The Alchemist" (Module 3)
  • Exercises and Assignments to guide you through the journey.
  • Guided Meditations to facilitate the healing process.
  • Support via email

Your Instructor

Astro Butterfly
Astro Butterfly

All Astro Butterfly courses combine astrology with personal development. More than 4000 people have taken Astro Butterfly School's online courses, and 97% of them rated the courses as 'excellent' or 'very good'.

Join 1.600+ people who enrolled in the course!

This is what previous students said about "Chiron - Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift":

"It was like a crash course in therapy. It would have taken years for me to dig that deep. Using the stars to SHED the LIGHT on the wounds has been amazing."

"The course really shed light on behaviors and issues I was not aware of, and brought me peace regarding the things I mastered in my life."

"My relationship with my daughter DRAMATICALLY improved after I've done the course"

"The understanding of my wound was such an eye opener"

"I study astrology and I was fascinated by the role Chiron plays in our charts. This course not only showed me what Chiron is all about and how its chart placement afffects me, but also the psychological therapeutic approach made me confront some issues that I needed to revisit"

"I liked it more than I thought I would. The best $$ I spent on an astrology course in a while."

"I loved it and I've been using what I've learned with my own clients with brilliant results."

"This program has opened my eyes to the abuse & abandonment of me by my family. Explaining the generational cycles of abuse in my family, which I had known about for years, but in the context of Chiron, helped me better integrate the memories & emotional charge."

"I am VERY happy I took this course and appreciate all I learned and gained from it. The group was top shelf and I appreciated all the interaction from Astro Butterfly throughout."

" I like that the course had video and subtitles at the same time. As english is not my mother tongue, it helps me a lot. I also like the fact that we have a pdf material and that we have access to course for ever."

"The content was clear and precise. The exercises were life changing. I've gone over the material a few times and get deeper into my ancestral wound, each time finding more healing. I have now stepped into my power. Your full explaination of each step builds perfectly, while learning about each planet and aspect in my own chart."

"I found this course fascinating (I rarely do surveys: it's a sign that I'm doing this)."

"I'm an instructor and hold a masters degree in Education. This course is extremely well organized!!!"

"The insight-provoking questions really helped me go deep and understand myself in a new way."

"I have released so many emotions that where stuck within my body and after releasing them I feel so much lighter and more active within my life. I feel more mature, would be the word I am looking for, not as reactive."

"I loved the depth into my inner self that it allowed me to see and assess. I've done a lot of previous inner work so I was pretty in tune to Me but this allowed me to see the story more clearly."

"The family tree was super helpful for me to look into as it started me on a path of healing some past wounds in my family."

"I realized how important it is to bring the wound out into the world, instead of keeping it all inside!"

"I gained clarity about my next steps and path, it reconnected me back to my true purpose as an animal communicator, healer artist and author."

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Being a lifetime student means you will get free access to all the future course upgrades and bonuses.
What is the format of this course?
The course video (audio with slides), the meditations are in audio format and there is also a text version (transcript) of the course. We also offer recorded Q&A sessions. In addition to the learning material, you will complete several reflection exercises available.
Do I need to know a lot of astrology to go through this program?
You will get all the information and support you need to complete the program. You need to know your time of birth, as you will need this information to go through the course. If you are a complete beginner (for example if you have never seen your natal chart) the course can be a bit difficult at times. If you get stuck, simply contact Astro Butterfly via email.
Do I need to show up live?
No. The course materials are pre-recorded.
Will it work for me?
Chiron - Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift combines astrology and personal development, offering a clear framework that supports healing and growth. This framework has helped more than 1,000 students transform their lives. If you feel the call to address your wound and unlock your potential, the program will work for you.

You can purchase the course with a credit/debit card or with PayPal. The payment plan option is only available for purchases with a credit or debit card.

Get started now!