Planets And Psyche

“Planets And Psyche” is a framework that shows the relationship between the planets in our solar system and the different elements of our psyche.

“Planets And Psyche” is an original framework developed by Astro Butterfly that bridges astrology with psychology, giving you insight into how the planets in our solar system mirror different aspects of your psyche.

Planets And Psyche is a map to understand how your thoughts, emotions, actions, and deepest desires are shaped by the planets and how they work together to influence your personal growth. Just as electrons orbit around a nucleus, the planets orbit the Sun, and the same energetic patterns exist within you.

Planets and Psyche brings this divine structure to life, showing how the microcosm of your internal world reflects the macrocosm of the universe.

What Makes This Course Unique?

What sets Planets and Psyche apart from traditional astrology courses about planets is its holistic approach. By weaving psychological concepts into the planetary archetypes, this framework allows you to:

  • Understand the core functions of each planet: From the identity-shaping Sun and Moon, to the action-driven Mars, to the belief-system-building Jupiter, each planet holds a key to unlocking a different part of your psyche.
  • See how the planets work together: This is not just about interpreting planets in isolation. The course explores how the planets interact, building upon one another to form a cohesive psychological model.
  • Find where you’re stuck: By tracing the planets' influence, you'll uncover where you might be hitting a roadblock in your personal development and how to overcome it.

Who is "Planets And Psyche" For?

  • Astrology enthusiasts: Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student of astrology, this course will deepen your understanding of planetary dynamics.
  • Coaches, therapists, and healers: If you work with people in a counseling or coaching role, this model offers powerful tools for helping clients understand themselves on a deeper level.
  • Anyone on a personal growth journey: If you're looking to better understand yourself, your life purpose, and how to harness your potential, this course offers a structured way to approach your journey.

  • Fundamentally, Planets And Psyche is for the astrology lover who seeks to explore astrology through a psychological lens, integrating deeper insights into the human experience.

    This unique approach to understanding planets and personal development makes "Planets and Psyche" a great choice for astrology lovers of all levels - from beginner to professional. If you love astrology, psychology and personal growth, Planets And Psyche is for you.

    Planets and Psyche brings universal archetypes to life, showing how the microcosm of your internal world reflects the macrocosm of the universe. In the program, you'll learn to view the planets as symbolic actors in your personal story, helping you make sense of the dynamics in your life and navigate them with awareness and intention.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When does the course start and finish?
    All course materials are prerecorded and available for instant access; you don't need to show up live.
    How long do I have access to the course?
    You have unlimited access to this course' materials for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
    Are there any prerequisites for the course?
    Ideally, you should have a basic understanding of the planets and an interest in psychology and how the psyche operates.

    Get started now!