Signs are NOT the same thing as houses.

While often equated, the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 houses of the natal chart are two distinct concepts that serve very different purposes. 

If Aries = 1st house = Mars, then why bother with signs, houses, and planets at all? We might as well just stick to the 12 signs and read horoscope columns, right?

But if you know that there's much more to astrology than the 12 signs, you probably sense that the complexity of astrology can't be reduced to these oversimplifications.

When we equate signs to houses, we miss the interpretive nuances that make each placement unique. Even worse, this leads to wrong chart interpretations.

Let’s say we have 2 people, a Libra with the Sun in the 5th house, and a Leo with the Sun in the 7th house.

Which one of them is the marriage counselor? Hint: it’s not the Libra!

In a world where Signs = Houses, we might mistakenly tell the creator that they would make a great relationship counselor - and that's simply not correct astrology.

Let's end the confusion.

The "Signs Vs. Houses" online course clarifies the key distinctions between these fundamental concepts - once and for all. 

Signs Vs. Houses is suited for beginner and advanced students alike. Beginners will learn the correct conceptual foundations. Experienced astrology lovers will learn to give more meaningful and accurate interpretations. 

Signs Vs. Houses is a must-have resource that will completely revolutionize your understanding of astrology and approach to chart interpretation.

Few astrology concepts, when clarified, make such a significant impact. Once you understand these key distinctions, your chart will make sense to you in ways like never before.

The 12 signs and houses
12 Signs and 12 Houses

Learn how signs and houses originated, the specific roles they serve in astrology, and why they are so often confused

Signs vs. Houses

The key, fundamental difference between signs and houses; how to eliminate confusion and be specific in your interpretations

Chart Examples

Multiple "sign vs. houses" examples to illustrate the difference, for example Leo in the 4th house vs. Cancer in the 5th house

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